Walking the Walls of Dubrovnik
Walking the walls of Dubrovnik is an experience you should not miss when paying a visit to the Old Town. Dubrovnik’s walled city is unique in that it is completely intact, giving you the chance to walk continuously along the walls right back to your starting point.
The view looking down from the top gives you a great perspective of the city inside. Looking outwards, you get the sense of the of how impenetrable these walls are and how it’s location is of strategic significance. Every angle offers a different view of the town, the ocean and the islands beyond.
If you are a die hard fan of Game of Thrones, you will relish the opportunity to walk in amongst the “Kings Landing” locations and it’s surrounds. There are many parts of the wall’s walkways used during the filming of the series.
To begin your journey along the walls, you will find that there are three entry and exit points where you can enter. I started my walk at the pile Gate entrance, mid morning around 10 am. The crowds were starting to build as most tour groups will start around 10 am. If you can get there on opening to give yourself an hour’s head start on the tour groups. There are a number of steps to climb at certain points, some steep others not so, but for the most part it is flat walking.
Be sure to bring your camera as there are some amazing spots to stop and take photos during your walk.
Quick Facts:
- The Old Town of Dubrovnik is one of the greatest fortifications of the middle ages that has never been breached by a hostile army
- A UNESCO world heritage site
- The walled city was constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries
- The walls run uninterrupted for 1940 meters, is 25 meters high with some walls between 4 and 6 meters in width
- There are four city gates, Five forts, 16 towers and bastions
- The mythical location of “Kings Landing” was filmed in Dubrovnik
If going in summer, try and walk the walls early as it gets extremely hot as there is no shelter.
To avoid the crowds, get there early in the morning at 9.30 am (when it opens) or later in the afternoon (after 4 pm). Tour groups usually begin around mid morning and can clog up the walk ways in some areas.
There are exit points if you find the walk strenuous but be mindful once you leave you can’t enter again. You will need to purchase another ticket.
Bring a bottle of water with you and a hat in summer.
There are is a cafe at the halfway mark that serves fresh juices and there are toilet facilities available.
Don’t forget your camera as this walk makes for some amazing photography.